Friday, February 14, 2014

.223 Ammo Contest at

  Now is the chance to win some bulk ammo. Use the link provided to sign up for a chance to win a case of .223 ammo from

  Be sure to share the link when you sign up. Good luck.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Piston Range Test

  Ok, so this article is a long time coming. Sorry for the long delay.

  A year ago, or so, I went to the range to test fire the Piston AR-15 that I had built. I was meaning to post a new article on this blog, but kept putting it off to take care of other things. Today is the day that I will finally post the results.

  I went to a local indoor rifle range. The range was 30 yards long. I bore sighted the barrel the best I could with the target at about 10 yards. That gave me a starting point to finish sighting in the scope. I moved the target out as far as I could get it and started to work on getting it sighted in. This is how the target looked after 12 shots from the rifle, sighting it in, on the 30 yard range.

  As you can see, the grouping got closer until I was able to hit the same spot repeatedly. It took some patience, I was resting my elbow on the counter top while I was shooting. I would like to sight it in properly at an outdoor range and get a more accurate view of the performance of the rifle in its current configuration, but for now this tells me the rifle can shoot pretty straight. I was kinda sloppy when I sighted it in, I was really just trying to check the rifle for function and to make sure everything was properly tight. I did have to readjust the gas block and the scope rings after the first few rounds, but after that it shot really well.

  I went through 100 rounds with the rifle after it was sighted in. Cleaning was really easy. I wiped the BCG with a Q-Tip dipped in cleaner and a rag, the same with the piston rod. I wiped out the upper and reapplied a light coat of Rem oil. Finally, I reassembled the rifle, did a function check, and made sure nothing was loose that shouldn't be.

  In conclusion, I have to say that this piston rifle has the potential to be pretty accurate if I sight it in correctly and with a good optic. Also, cleaning was a breeze. No need for pipe cleaners with this rifle.

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